Email strategy and list management services

Human-first emails
so that you can
connect and sell.

People talking to people.
Not sellers talking to buyers.
This is the #1 way to get your emails working better for you now.

Your emails
were meant to
stand out
in the inbox.

If you're a personal brand selling yourself or
an e-commerce brand selling products,
a people-first approach to email
will get your list more excited to buy from you.
Because they know you.

Kate Wilson email copywriter

Kate Wilson | Email Copywriter

Hey, I'm Kate.

As an email copywriter, strategist and list manager
I know how to get your list going and growing in all the best ways.
I also know how humans buy stuff. (Psst, usually with our emotions.)So I help my clients write emails that have a distinct voice and are grounded in tested copywriting principles.As a former journalist who also has years of sales experience, I love getting curious about people and why they do what they do.

Real results

I'll boost your email revenue by 10% (or more) in 30 days without paid ads.
Yup, it's possible.

So let's have a quick chat to see how you can get more out of your list in one month.
No pressure tactics here. I want to make sure I can help you.